Our number one weight loss tool

What if I told you that our most important weight loss tool costs under $10? Would you believe me? Well you should! We grab for this tool everyday and use it almost every meal. What is it you ask?



A kitchen scale. That’s right, a little scale. Portion size is a huge issue in the US, and our family is able to combat that problem with a simple kitchen scale. There are plenty of people who eat good food, but they eat too much of it, and you know how the saying goes, “Too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing.” You may have good intentions by snacking on some almonds but that 1 ounce serving you guessed at could easily be 4 ounces!  That 4 ounces of almonds that you just ate are roughly 640 calories! Wow! You just blew a whole meal’s worth of calories on what you thought was a light snack. Controlling the amount of food we eat is what keeps us on track with losing weight. We measure or weigh everything we eat.


If you have a smartphone, a great way to keep track of this is with an app called My Fitness Pal. It requires you to log in everything that you eat throughout the day. Just by using our kitchen scale, my fitness pal and clean eating, together we have lost over 80 pounds! When we track what we eat we are able to enjoy 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. No skipping meals or meal replacement drinks, ever! We are all about eating real foods. While we still have some more weight to lose, we continue to follow our routine and hope in a few months we will be at our final goal. We have seen great results so far!  It amazed us that by simply being aware of our portion sizes we started losing pounds! So next time you throw a handful of cheese into your meal weigh it out first; you will be happy when you do!


Somethings to consider

1 oz of almonds is 160 calories

1 oz of cheddar cheese is 110 calories

1 oz of whole wheat pretzels is 110 calories

1 oz of raisins is 85 calories

1 oz of banana chips is 147 calories


These are great, healthy snacks but only when eaten in moderation! Don’t eat all your calories in just a few snacks.





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